Puck of Crack Cookers
Gerard Sarnat
junkie landscape,
un blinged grandmaster
schmuck flashes street
kids dólares to push
crooked snap crackle pop.
Too much Brooklyn heat,
mi hijo Greyhounds
to Baja where jonesing hombres
skin y grill goats.
Thousand razor blades
having their situations
-- nuestro pueblo.
Papis make whoopie
cushions from the guts.
Rats in sacks, tails tied to pegs,
pesos & a trip
to Nueva York for niños
slingshot ‘em
Gerard Sarnat
junkie landscape,
un blinged grandmaster
schmuck flashes street
kids dólares to push
crooked snap crackle pop.
Too much Brooklyn heat,
mi hijo Greyhounds
to Baja where jonesing hombres
skin y grill goats.
Thousand razor blades
having their situations
-- nuestro pueblo.
Papis make whoopie
cushions from the guts.
Rats in sacks, tails tied to pegs,
pesos & a trip
to Nueva York for niños
slingshot ‘em