Fred Bubbers' short stories, poems, and essays have appeared in Cantaraville, The Loch Raven Review, The Oregon Literary Review, Static Movement, Green Silk Journal, Word Riot, The Angler, and Seeker Magazine. He received his Bachelor of Arts in English from The State University of New York at Albany in 1982, and is currently an MFA candidate at Vermont College of Fine Arts.
Holly Day’s poetry has recently appeared in The Cape Rock, New Ohio Review, and Gargoyle. Her newest poetry collections are A Perfect Day for Semaphore (Finishing Line Press), In This Place, She Is Her Own (Vegetarian Alcoholic Press), A Wall to Protect Your Eyes (Pski’s Porch Publishing), I'm in a Place Where Reason Went Missing (Main Street Rag Publishing Co.), and The Yellow Dot of a Daisy (Alien Buddha Press).
James Howard is a 29 year old from Maryland. James started writing poetry 12 years ago and fell in love with it. He lives with his wife, in the Baltimore area. "Room Tour" is his first published poem.
Katherine Johnson's work has previously appeared in the Kane County Chronicle and Familiar Spirits: A Ghost Anthology.
Mike Lee is an editor, photographer and reporter for a trade union newspaper in New York City. His fiction is published in Ghost Parachute, Reservoir, The Airgonaut, The Alexandria Quarterly, and others. Website: He also blogs for the photography website Focus on the Story.
Payton Marshall is 23 years old and from Cincinnati Ohio. He graduated from Wittenberg University Cum Laude in the spring of 2017 and is currently working towards finishing is second degree in Journalism at The University of Cincinnati.
Catherine Moore is the author of three chapbooks and the collection ULLA! ULLA! (Main Street Rag). Her work appears in Tahoma Literary Review, Caesura, Tishman Review, Southampton Review, Still: the Journal, Mid-American Review and in various anthologies. She’s been awarded a Walker Percy and a Hambidge fellowship, her honors also include the Southeast Review’s Gearhart Poetry Prize, a Nashville MetroArts grant, inclusion in the juried BEST SMALL FICTIONS, as well as Pushcart and Best of the Net nominations. Catherine holds a Master of Fine Arts in creative writing and she teaches at a community college. She’s tweetable @ CatPoetic.
Mary Shanley is a poet/writer who lives in NYC. Four of her books have been published: Hobo Code Poems by Vox Pop Press and Mott Street Stories and Las Vegas Stories, Things They Left Behind and Poems for Faces by Sidestreet Press. In addition to Blue Lake Review, she has published online at: Underground Voices, Edge, Gargbanzo, Tull Us A Story, Mr. Bellers's Neighborhood, Poydras Review, Foliate Oak Literary Magazine, Logos Journal, Hobo Camp Review, StepAway Magazine, Anak Sastra Journal, and Shangra-la Magazine.
Orit Yeret has a master’s degree in comparative literature and creative writing from the University of Haifa in IsraelOrit is a lector in Modern Hebrew and is currently employed at Yale University. Orit enjoys photography, painting, and writing short prose and poetry in both English and Hebrew. Orit's work recently appeared in The Borfski Press, Ink Pantry and Drunk Monkeys, and is forthcoming in Evening Street Review and Crack the Spine.