Melodie Corrigall’s work has appeared in Women and Words, Imagining, Room, Horizon, Dalhousie Review, Toasted Cheese, Blue Skies, Thunderclap, The November 3rd Club and Other Voices.
Alinda Dickinson-Wasner's work has appeared in Outsider Writers, New Millennium Writers, Comstock Review, Inspirit, Wayne Literary Review, Inkwell, Passages North, and the MacGuffin, to name a few. She won 2nd place in the 2007 Chicago Poetry Center juried prize, a Prague Writer's Scholarship, was a semifinalist in the 2010 Paumonok Poetry Prize (SUNY) and has won several other prizes. She lives and writes in Beverly Hills, MI.
Danielle Hanson received her MFA from Arizona State University and now lives in Atlanta, GA. Her work has appeared in over 30 journals and anthologies, including Iodine, Lake Effect, Rosebud, Clackamas Literary Review, The Cortland Review, Poet Lore, Asheville Poetry Review, and Blackbird. She has edited Hayden’s Ferry Review. She has been on the staff at The Meacham Writers’ Conference and received the Fulton County Arts Council Grant for a residency at the Hambidge Center.
Kevin Heaton writes in South Carolina. His latest chapbook, "Measured Days," has recently been published at, Heavy Hands Ink Press. His work has appeared in: Elimae, Nibble, Foliate Oak, The Catalonian Review, and many other journals. He is listed as a notable poet at
Michael C. Keith is the author of two short story collections ––And Through the Trembling Air and Hoag’s Object.
Lyn Lifshin, a frequent contributor to Blue Lake Review, has published many collections. Her most recent book is entitled All the Poets (Mostly) Who Have Touched Me (Living and Dead. All True: Especially the Lies). Other collections include Ballroom, Katrina, and Barbar, and Ruffian. Her website is
George Moore has published poetry in The Atlantic, Poetry, North American Review, Colorado Review, Orion and elsewhere, with more than three hundred poems published in the last two years. He was nominated this year for two Pushcart Prizes, "Best of the Net" and "Best of the Web" awards, The Rhysling Poetry Award (2009) and The Wolfson Poetry Prize 2010). He spends part of each year in artist residencies, and has collaborated on exhibitions in Spain, Portugal, Iceland and Canada. Hisrecent collections include All Night Card Game in the Back Room of Time (2007) and Headhunting (2002). George teaches literature and writing with the University of Colorado, Boulder.
Eileen Russell is a writer, actor and singer living in Atlanta. Her work has appeared in Wildacres Poetry, Poetry Motel and Cadenza. Her short story, "A Foundry For Boys," will be published this winter in Midway Journal.
Robert Sachs earned an M.F.A. in Writing from Spalding University in 2009. His fiction has been published in Mobius, the Journal of Social Change, The Front Porch Review, and Writer’s Digest Anthology of Short Fiction. He was a finalist in the Nov. 2009, Glimmer Train contest for new writers.
Ciara Sanker. Since completing her BA at UC Berkeley in 2007, Ciara has worked as a freelance tutor and occasional barista. She currently lives in Oakland, CA, where she spends her free time playing with food and with words. Her poems have previously been published in nibble.
Nancy Scott began writing poetry in the mid-90s. She is the author of two full-length books of poetry, Down to the Quick (Plain View Press, 2007) and One Stands Guard, One Sleeps (Plain View Press, 2009), and two chapbooks, A Siege of Raptors (Finishing Line Press, 2010) and Detours & Diversions (Main Street Rag, 2011). She is also managing editor of U.S.1 Worksheets, the journal of the U.S.1 Poets' Cooperative in New Jersey, which has met continuously since 1973.
Melanie Sweeney is an MFA student at New Mexico State University. Her work has appeared in the Sam Houston State Review and Foundling Review.
John Wenke has placed short fiction and creative non-fiction in The Gettysburg Review, North Dakota Quarterly, South Carolina Review, Chariton Review, Writers' Forum, Cimarron Review, Riversedge, Delmarva Quarterly, Timber Creek Review, North Atlantic Review, Words of Wisdom and Chesapeake East. His books include J. D. Salinger: A Study of the Short Fiction and Melville's Muse. He has also published numerous essays, chapters and reviews. John teaches American literature and writing at Salisbury University, where he directs the Writers-on-the-Shore reading series.