To Young Daughters-- Sandeep Kumar Mishra
The Net -- John Repp
Walking Life Away -- Alan Ford
There's Nothing on TV at 5 pm-- Mike L. Nichols
Self-Tapping Screw -- Patricia Walsh
The World Goes Forward -- Bruce Levine
A WOMAN'S SONG, the poetry collection by Diana May-Waldman, brings us poetic reflections on what it is to be a woman in the world today. Her uncensored words are raw and real with her kick to the gut style expressing her passion and a story of survival. May-Waldman writes about the unfortunate challenges in the lives of women: rape, violence, inequality, and dealing with relationships that are often unbalanced. The poems reflect the contradictions of the woman’s song – the hate, the love, the lust, the anguish, the bitterness and, on the other hand, the softness, that are all parts of the full dimensions of being and surviving as a woman. Her emotions are the palate from which the pages of this book are painted. In A Woman’s Song, Diana May-Waldman gives you a clear, direct look into the heart of a woman. With the sharpness of the words and images, this is a book that will disturb, shock you, and bring you to your knees, staring reality in the face. This is a book that will truly move you.
What they've been saying about A WOMAN'S SONG:
"A dazzlingly stark collection of poetry."
"May-Waldman's poetry portrays many challenges of being a woman--a surprising amount for such a slim volume--sad, loving, remembering, and suffering."
"[A]n endearing and empowering 21st century ode to women! Waldman's poetry speaks to many women and on many levels. She reveals hard core truths as well as self-told lies about the nature of being a woman."