MARCH 2013

Stop typing for a moment (we know it will be great when you're done!) and check out some great new fiction and poetry this month from Brian Rodan, Charlie Boodman, Elizabeth Blandon, Tawnysha Greene, Bob Daniels, Colin Clancy, Barry North, Ken Wheatcroft-Pardue, Danny Earl Simmons, Yvonne Higgins Leach, and Fred Ostrander. We could say a lot about the great work we've gathered this month but prefer to let our great writers' and poets' words speak for themselves.
And we'd like to congratulate contributor Barry North on his new chapbook of poems, Terminally Human, just published by Finishing Line Press, and past contributor, Burgess Needle on the publication of his collection Thai Comic Books: Poems from my life in Thailand with the Peace Corps: 1967-1969 (Big Table Publishing Co., 2013).
--Mitchell & Diana
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Check out our editors' book:
The stories in Mitchell Waldman’s PETTY OFFENSES AND CRIMES OF THE HEART startle a reader with sudden, uncompromising insight
-- Perry Glasser, author of DANGEROUS PLACES
Now available in Kindle and Nook e-book formats.
In A WOMAN'S SONG, author Diana May-Waldman's poetry portrays many challenges of being a woman—a surprising amount for such a slim volume—sad, loving, remembering, and suffering. Her evocative voice speaks clearly to many women as she shares her full life.
-- StoryCircle Book Reviews
Now available in Kindle and Nook e-book formats.
CHECK OUT WOUNDS OF WAR: POETS FOR PEACE, bringing together, in poems, stories and essays, the voices of those personally affected by war.
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