Noelle Adamo is a stay-at-home mother with a master’s degree in social work from Columbia University. She enjoys the rural Upstate New York life and all the activities that come with it—hiking, splitting wood, etc.—and keeping a house full of family and friends. She participated in a one-on-one poetry workshop with Matthew Lippman. Her poetry has been featured in the Hudson Valley publication Chronogram.
Gina Betcher has an MFA in Creative Writing from Western Michigan University. Among her publications, are her poem "When We Are Old" which took first place at the Pamlico Writers Conference and Competition 2014 and is forthcoming in the Washington Magazine. Also, her poem "What Will Sit You Down" received an honorable mention.
Nick Bosworth is currently an MFA of Poetry candidate at the University of Montana.
Laura Canon lives in Henderson, Nevada and is a writer of young adult fiction. She has been previously published in The Waterhouse Review and in Jersey Devil.
Matthew Conley is Executive Director of the Tucson Poetry Festival.
Kathleen Glassburn earned an MFA in Creative Writing from Antioch University, Los Angeles. Currently, she resides in Seattle with her husband, three dogs, two cats, and a 45-year-old turtle. When not writing or reading, she likes to play the piano and horseback ride. Her work has been published or is forthcoming in Amarillo Bay, Cadillac Cicatrix, Cairn, Crucible, Epiphany Magazine, Lullwater Review, Marco Polo Quarterly, RiverSedge, SLAB, The Talon Mag, Wild Violet, The Writer’s Workshop Review, and several other journals. Her story, “Picnics,” was a finalist in Glimmer Train’s Best Start contest. She is Managing Editor of The Writer’s Workshop Review (
TJ Heffers is a fiction writer based in Arkansas. He attended Susquehanna University and is a native of Northeast Pennsylvania. His work has previously appeared in the Red Rock Review, the North Central Review, FuckFiction, and others.
Rebecca Hodge is a fiction writer, veterinarian, and Clinical Research Scientist. Her short stories have been published in Zest Literary Magazine, The MacGuffin, Big Muddy, Spectator, and The 2005 Main Street Rag Short Fiction Anthology.
Joshua Lindenbaum's work has appeared in Luna and Fahari Libertad. He works as an Adjunct Professor at SUNY FIT, where he teaches English College Preparation. Joshua has an M. S. in English Education and a B.F.A. in Creative Writing.
Thom Mahoney lives in the Front Range of Northern Colorado where he runs a free, community computer lab in a low-income housing complex. When not writing fiction, he cooks and eats various kinds of insects (seriously) which he insists on sharing with anyone unlucky enough to step into his kitchen and plays roots and Americana music on a bunch of strange-looking guitars for any poor sap who’s even remotely willing to listen.
Travis Truax earned his Bachelor’s degree in English from Southeastern Oklahoma State University in 2010. His poetry has appeared in The New Plains Review.
Jaren Watson -- After completing an MFA at the University of Arizona, Jaren moved back to Idaho where he was raised and now teaches writing and editing at a local university. Among the awards received for his stories and essays are a Pushcart nomination (2009) and second place in the Eugene England essay contest (2012). Currently, his stories and essays can be found at The Fictioneer, Origami Journal, Irreantum, Furrow, and Forge Journal.
Carl Wooton's fiction, poetry, and essays have appeared in a variety of journals and literary reviews. His stories have appeared in The Hudson Review, Literary Review, Georgia Review, and a dozen other journals and/or magazines. He taught writing/literature for forty-eight years and is enjoying the freedom to write his retirement is giving him.