David Henson and his wife have lived in Belgium and Hong Kong over the years and now are retired and reside in Peoria, Illinois. His work has been nominated for a Best of the Net and has appeared or is forthcoming in various journals including Moonpark Review, Gravel, Literally Stories, Bull and Cross, Fictive Dream, and The Fiction Pool. His website is His Twitter is @annalou8.
Julia Hirsch -- This past year Julia's story, "The Octopus Cafe," appeared in Cecile's Writers, "Threads," an essay, appeared in Catapult and "Coda", a reminiscence, appeared in Litro. Her work has also appeared in Passager. Julia has lived most of her life in New York and vicinity. She came to the United States as refugee during World War II.
Gerald Marsh's last three stories were published in Voices and the Avalon Literary Review. He recently conducted a fiction workshop in Delray Beach, Florida.
Suchoon Mo lives in the semiarid part of Colorado. His recent poems appear in Aji Magazine, World Literature, Scarlet Leaf Review, Armarolla, and Optimum Poetry.
Gary Moshimer has stuff in Pank, Smokelong Quarterly, Frigg, Eclectica, and many other places.
Josh Penzone's stories have appeared in Eunoia Review, Five on the Fifth, Junto Magazine and elsewhere. A previous story of his involving the same character in this month's story, A Return, also appeared in the July issue of Blue Lake Review. Josh is also currently working on a novel.
Paul Piatkowski is a high school English teacher who is also an English literature PhD student at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. His writing has appeared in journals like Florida English, 2River View, Fast Forward, Sheepshead Review, and Foliate Oak.
Ephraim Sommers' work has appeared or is forthcoming in Beloit Poetry Journal, Copper Nickel, Cream City Review, Harpur Palate, The Journal, Prairie Schooner, TriQuarterly, Verse Daily, Word Riot, and elsewhere. His book of poems, The Night We Set the Dead Kid on Fire, recently won the 2016 Patricia Bibby First Book Prize from Tebot Bach Press and was published February 1st of this year. Currently, Ephraim is an Assistant Professor of English at Winthrop University in Rock Hill, South Carolina.
Eleanor Swanson is a widely published poet and fiction writer. She is a featured poet in the Fall 2017 issue of The Missouri Review. Awards include an NEA Fellowship and a Colorado Council on the Arts Fellowship. She has been nominated three times for a Pushcart Prize. Her first poetry collection, A Thousand Bonds: Marie Curie and the Discovery of Radium, was a finalist for the Colorado Book Award, and her second collection of poetry, Trembling in the Bones—about the Colorado Coal strike of 1913 and the 1914 Ludlow Massacre—was reissued in 2013 (3: A Taos Press). Her third poetry collection is Memory's Rooms (Conundrum Press). She is also a fiction writer who has published a novel and two collections of short stories. Her second collection, Exiles and Expatriates, won the 2014 Press Americana Prize. She regularly reads from her work in the Denver Metro area.
Richard Zuftig is a former professor of educational psychology and special education at Miami University in Ohio, now residing in California. His poems and stories have appeared in numerous literary journals in the United States (and internationally in, Canada, Australia, Europe, and Asia). Hispoems have been nominated for the Pushcart prize and two of his poems recently appeared in Best Ten Years of Dos Madres Press.