The irony that the name of the synagogue -- the Tree of Life -- a place of peace, is the place that the Pittsburgh shooter chose to rampage, yelling "All Jews must die!", and then proceed to kill eleven elderly Jewish people in this house of worship. While the elected president of the country reads off a teleprompter to recite regrets about violence and the need to unify people against such acts (the only way he can pretend to have empathy) and shortly thereafter blame the media for such violence, joke about how his campaign rally must go on, and complain about his hair getting wet while he has to answer questions about the shooting. And later, in his rally, which, he said, had to go on, repeats"Lock him up" when one of his faithful cried those words about one of the intended receivers of a pipe bomb who also just happened to be Jewish.
If the world has gone mad, it has gone ten times madder since the election of a certain president, despite the majority's voting for another candidate. This is a president who seems to have no conscience, no soul, who likes to stir up controversy and the hatred of a group of his followers to drum up votes. Money and chaos and ratings seem to be at the heart of this man. No soul, no conscience, no care even for protections for the planet, denial of climate change, withdrawal from the nuclear ban treaty with Russia -- an egomaniac who idolized Hitler and idolizes despots all over the world over leaders of our allied countries, like Canada, for which, according to the president, there is a special place in hell.
We deserve and need a national leader who wants to unite the nation, not fracture it, who has morals, manners, a conscience, who fights for us, for civility, who fights against inhumane acts (murder!) by other nations with whom we have a financial interest, who puts peace and understanding above financial gains, who cares about the people of this nation, whatever their color, religion, or national origin. A leader who treats people as people rather than votes or an audience to adore him, who wants to uphold the Constitution and all the freedoms inherent therein, including the rights to Free Speech and Freedom of the Press, a healer, not a divider. Someone who wants the best for the American people, rather than pretending he does. That would really make America great again. And that is what we all need. Make sure to get out and vote this Election Day.
-- Mitchell & Diana