J. Boyer teaches in the Creative Writing Program of Arizona State University. To learn more about his work, visit the website there,
WIlliam Doreski's work has appeared in various e and print journals and in several collections, most recently Waiting for the Angel (Pygmy Forest Press, 2009).
Joseph Farley edited The Axe Factory Review for 24 years. His books include Suckers, For The Birds and Longing For The Mother Tongue.
Roland Goity edits fiction for the online journal LITnIMAGE. Recent stories of his appear or will soon appear in Fiction International, Caper Literary Journal, Necessary Fiction, Raleigh Review, and Grey Sparrow Journal. He is co-editor of the anthology EXPERIENCED: Rock Music Tales of Fact & Fiction.
Kyle Hemmings lives and works in New Jersey. His work has been published in Nano Fiction, Elimae, Smokelong Quarterly, and elsewhere. He has a free e-chapbook out from Scars Publications called Avenue C and a chapbook of poems from Punkin Press called Fuzzy Logic.
Sergio Ortiz is a retired educator, poet, and photographer. He has a B.A. in English literature, and a M.A. in philosophy. Flutter Press released his debut chapbook, At the Tail End of Dusk, October 2009. Ronin Press released his second chapbook, topography of a desire, May 2010. Avantacular Press released his first photographic chapbook: The Sugarcane Harvest, May 2010. His third chapbook: Wet Stones and Bedbugs in My Mattress, will be released by Flutter Press, November 2010. He was recently published, or is forthcoming in: Fried Eye, Shot Glass Journal, Cavalier Literary Couture, and Touch: The Journal of Healing. He is a three-time nominee to the 2010 Sundress Best of the Web Anthology, and a 2010 Pushcart Nominee.
Kenneth Pobo's fiction appears online at Dogplotz, Word Riot, Medullah Review, Northville Review, and elsewhere. A new chapbook of his poems, Tea on Burning Glass, is coming out shortly from Tandava Poetry Press.
Dave Seter studied creative writing at Princeton University, where he earned his degree in civil engineering. Born in Chicago, he has lived on both coasts, and currently resides in Sonoma County, California. His first published collection of poems, the chapbook entitled Night Duty, was published in 2010 by Main Street Rag Publishing Company.
Caryl Sills is a retired English professor who has turned her hand to fiction after many years of writing essays and literary criticism. She has had six stories recently published in both print and online venues.She is currently working on a novel titled 1948 which explores the post-war politics, prejudices, fears, and optimism of American society in that year.
Felino A. Soriano (b. 1974), is a case manager and advocate for developmentally and physically disabled adults. He has authored 38 print and electronic collections of poetry, including In Praise of Absolute Interpretation (Desperanto, 2010) and Realities of Bifocal Translations (Blue & Yellow Dog Press, 2010). His poems have appeared at Calliope Nerve, Unlikely 2.0, BlazeVOX, Metazen, Otoliths, and elsewhere. He edits & publishes Counterexample Poetics, an online journal of experimental artistry, and Differentia Press, dedicated to publishing electronic chapbooks of experimental poetry. In 2010, he was chosen for the Gertrude Stein "rose" prize for creativity in poetry from Wilderness House Literary Review. Philosophical studies collocated with his connection to classic and avant-garde jazz explains motivation for poetic occurrences. His website explains further:
John Swain lives in Louisville, Kentucky. His chapbooks, Prominences and Sinking of the Cloth, appeared from Flutter Press and Set Apart Before the World Was Made appeared from Calliope Nerve Media. Full of Crow published his ebook, The Feathered Masks. He has received nominations for The Pushcart Prize, Best of the Net, and Best of the Web.