BJ Fischer is a writer who has published on subjects including the use of baseball by conservatives and the significance of the moon landing to someone who watched it as a five year old, as well as the Four People You Meet On Earth and Enlighten-Mat: Expanding the Laundry Tribe. His work has appeared in The Fiddleback, The (Toledo) Blade, the Bygone Bureau, Punchnel's, Thought Catalog, Impose Magazine, the Minneapolis Review of Baseball,, and Ontologica. He is also an award-winning creator of television and public relations commercials and campaigns. He lives in Saline, Michigan, outside Ann Arbor.
Gloria Garfunkel is a daughter of two Auschwitz survivors and is a clinical psychologist with a Ph.D. from Harvard University in Psychology and Social Relations. She has published over thirty short stories, flash and micro fiction and memoir in literary journals and anthologies. She currently post stories on her blog, Querulous Squirrel Microfiction Daily and Flash Fiction Quarterly.
Gerburg Garmann, a native of Germany, is a professor of German and French at the University of Indianapolis. Her scholarly publications appear in both German and French in international journals. Her poems have appeared in various magazines and anthologies around the world. Her most recently publication is a book-length project Unterwegs, im Kopf (a collection of 60 poems and 59 accompanying paintings), published by IGEL Verlag, Hamburg (Germany) in January 2013. She is currently working on a similar interdisciplinary project entitled Other Voices in Her Own.
SK Kalsi received his MFA in Creative Writing from the University of San Francisco, He lives in Napa, CA with his wife and two dogs. His novella Ghost Notes is due November 2013. He is also currently at work on a novel called Somerset, about a "stove junker" in northeastern, PA.
Michael Lauchlan has had poems in many publications including New England Review, Virginia Quarterly Review, North American Review, The Dark Horse, Crannog, English Journal, Nimrod, New Plains, Ninth Letter, Apple Valley Review, Tampa Review, The Cortland Review, and Innisfree. He has recently been awarded the Consequence Prize in Poetry and has been included in Abandon Automobile, from Wayne State University Press and in A Mind Apart, from Oxford University Press.
Lyn Lifshin’s Another Woman Who Looks Like Me was published by Black Sparrow at David Godine October, 2006. (Also out in 2006 was her prize winning book about the famous, short lived beautiful race horse, Ruffian: The Licorice Daughter: My Year With Ruffian from Texas Review Press. Lifshin’s other recent books include Before it’s Light, published winter 1999-2000 by Black Sparrow press, following their publication of Cold Comfort in 1997 and 92 Rapple from Coatism. Lost in the Fog and Barbaro: Beyond Brokenesss and Light at the End, the Jesus Poems, Katrina, Ballet Madonnas. Persephone was published by Red Hen and Texas Review published Barbaro: Beyond Brokenness. Most recent books: Ballroom, All the Poets (Mostly) Who Have Touched me, Living and Dead. All True, Especially the Lies. Knife Edge & Absinthe: The Tango Poems. NYQ Books recently published A Girl Goes into The Woods. Also recently published: For the Roses poems after Joni Mitchell; Hotel Hitchcock from Danse Macabre. For other books, bio, photographs see her web site:
P.M. Merlot is an Adjunct Professor for Arcadia University. She holds an MS in Computer Science and a BA in Political Science. Her stories are all creative nonfiction about her travels and as an observer of life. Her writing has been published in Red Fez, Clever Magazine, Specter, Black Mirror , and the Philadelphia Inquirer. When not engaged in the technical, she is a frequent traveler to Europe, and is a street photographer in New Jersey.
Rebecca Muntean is an MFA candidate in creative writing at Georgia College & State University with her B.A. in Professional and Creative Writing from Capital University in Columbus, OH. Her work emphases are poetry, publishing, and teaching. She has been published in numerous journals such as Hotel Amerika, Blackbox Manifold, NEBO, Metaphor, and The North Central Review.
Dominique Salas is an MFA candidate at NMSU. A true desert dweller, she was born and raised in El Paso, Texas.
Harley Staggars was born by the light of a kerosene lamp in a small logging community in northern Minnesota, just fifty miles up a dirt road from the nearest public library. Nevertheless, he was able to read widely and well, and he submitted his first story to Boys’ Life, handwritten in a spiral notebook, at the age of twelve. After many missteps and misadventures, he settled in the Twin Cities. Over the years, he beat the living hell out of several secondhand typewriters, none of which seemed capable of completing an error-free page. But it wasn’t until he bought his first computer, in 1988, that he was able to concentrate his efforts on writing rather than mastering the typewriter. For a time, he wrote a humorous newsletter for an organization called the Society of Dirty Old Men, which they hoped would make them filthy rich selling tee-shirts and souvenirs to college students. Following the demise of that brave new venture, he turned to writing short stories, novellas and novels, and has managed to accumulate a truly impressive collection of rejection slips.
Jenny Wales Steele is a prior contributor to BLR. Other fiction of hers has been published in The Ampersand Review,, The First Line, Harpur Palate, Salt Hill,, and, among many others. She's been nominated three times for the Pushcart Prize.
Amanda Su Wilgus holds a B.A. from the University of Texas at Austin’s Plan II Honors program. She currently teaches English in Taiwan.
Gloria Garfunkel is a daughter of two Auschwitz survivors and is a clinical psychologist with a Ph.D. from Harvard University in Psychology and Social Relations. She has published over thirty short stories, flash and micro fiction and memoir in literary journals and anthologies. She currently post stories on her blog, Querulous Squirrel Microfiction Daily and Flash Fiction Quarterly.
Gerburg Garmann, a native of Germany, is a professor of German and French at the University of Indianapolis. Her scholarly publications appear in both German and French in international journals. Her poems have appeared in various magazines and anthologies around the world. Her most recently publication is a book-length project Unterwegs, im Kopf (a collection of 60 poems and 59 accompanying paintings), published by IGEL Verlag, Hamburg (Germany) in January 2013. She is currently working on a similar interdisciplinary project entitled Other Voices in Her Own.
SK Kalsi received his MFA in Creative Writing from the University of San Francisco, He lives in Napa, CA with his wife and two dogs. His novella Ghost Notes is due November 2013. He is also currently at work on a novel called Somerset, about a "stove junker" in northeastern, PA.
Michael Lauchlan has had poems in many publications including New England Review, Virginia Quarterly Review, North American Review, The Dark Horse, Crannog, English Journal, Nimrod, New Plains, Ninth Letter, Apple Valley Review, Tampa Review, The Cortland Review, and Innisfree. He has recently been awarded the Consequence Prize in Poetry and has been included in Abandon Automobile, from Wayne State University Press and in A Mind Apart, from Oxford University Press.
Lyn Lifshin’s Another Woman Who Looks Like Me was published by Black Sparrow at David Godine October, 2006. (Also out in 2006 was her prize winning book about the famous, short lived beautiful race horse, Ruffian: The Licorice Daughter: My Year With Ruffian from Texas Review Press. Lifshin’s other recent books include Before it’s Light, published winter 1999-2000 by Black Sparrow press, following their publication of Cold Comfort in 1997 and 92 Rapple from Coatism. Lost in the Fog and Barbaro: Beyond Brokenesss and Light at the End, the Jesus Poems, Katrina, Ballet Madonnas. Persephone was published by Red Hen and Texas Review published Barbaro: Beyond Brokenness. Most recent books: Ballroom, All the Poets (Mostly) Who Have Touched me, Living and Dead. All True, Especially the Lies. Knife Edge & Absinthe: The Tango Poems. NYQ Books recently published A Girl Goes into The Woods. Also recently published: For the Roses poems after Joni Mitchell; Hotel Hitchcock from Danse Macabre. For other books, bio, photographs see her web site:
P.M. Merlot is an Adjunct Professor for Arcadia University. She holds an MS in Computer Science and a BA in Political Science. Her stories are all creative nonfiction about her travels and as an observer of life. Her writing has been published in Red Fez, Clever Magazine, Specter, Black Mirror , and the Philadelphia Inquirer. When not engaged in the technical, she is a frequent traveler to Europe, and is a street photographer in New Jersey.
Rebecca Muntean is an MFA candidate in creative writing at Georgia College & State University with her B.A. in Professional and Creative Writing from Capital University in Columbus, OH. Her work emphases are poetry, publishing, and teaching. She has been published in numerous journals such as Hotel Amerika, Blackbox Manifold, NEBO, Metaphor, and The North Central Review.
Dominique Salas is an MFA candidate at NMSU. A true desert dweller, she was born and raised in El Paso, Texas.
Harley Staggars was born by the light of a kerosene lamp in a small logging community in northern Minnesota, just fifty miles up a dirt road from the nearest public library. Nevertheless, he was able to read widely and well, and he submitted his first story to Boys’ Life, handwritten in a spiral notebook, at the age of twelve. After many missteps and misadventures, he settled in the Twin Cities. Over the years, he beat the living hell out of several secondhand typewriters, none of which seemed capable of completing an error-free page. But it wasn’t until he bought his first computer, in 1988, that he was able to concentrate his efforts on writing rather than mastering the typewriter. For a time, he wrote a humorous newsletter for an organization called the Society of Dirty Old Men, which they hoped would make them filthy rich selling tee-shirts and souvenirs to college students. Following the demise of that brave new venture, he turned to writing short stories, novellas and novels, and has managed to accumulate a truly impressive collection of rejection slips.
Jenny Wales Steele is a prior contributor to BLR. Other fiction of hers has been published in The Ampersand Review,, The First Line, Harpur Palate, Salt Hill,, and, among many others. She's been nominated three times for the Pushcart Prize.
Amanda Su Wilgus holds a B.A. from the University of Texas at Austin’s Plan II Honors program. She currently teaches English in Taiwan.