Deborah Brown’s recent book, The Human Half was published by BOA Editions in April, 2019. Her first book, Walking the Dog’s Shadow, was a winner of the A. J. Poulin Jr. Award from BOA Editions and of a New Hampshire Literary Award for Outstanding Book of Poetry. The title poem of the collection was awarded a Pushcart Prize. She edited, with Maxine Kumin and Annie Finch, Lofty Dogmas: Poets on Poetics (Univ. of Arkansas Press). With Richard Jackson and Susan Thomas, she translated the poems in Last Voyage: Selected Poems of Giovanni Pascoli (Red Hen Press). She lives in Warner, NH.
Jennifer Dickinson's fiction has previously been published in The Florida Review, Blackbird, Cosmonauts Avenue, Gravel, and Barren Magazine. She is the recipient of a Hedgebrook residency and a grant from the Barbara Deming Memorial Fund.
J Saler Drees lives in San Diego, California, and has an MFA from Pacific University. Previous works have been published in Bridge Eight, Broken Skyline, Change Seven, Foliate Oak Literary Magazine, Spark: A Creative Anthology, and West Trade Review. Upcoming work can be found in OxMag, spring 2020.
James Goss is a writer, actor and musician, author of Pop Culture Florida and the Vinyl Lives series about record stores and collectors. He lives in South Florida with his family.
James Croal Jackson has a chapbook, The Frayed Edge of Memory (Writing Knights Press, 2017), and poems in Pacifica, indefinite space, and Philosophical Idiot. He edits The Mantle. Currently, he works in the film industry in Pittsburgh, PA.
Len Messineo -- Previously published in Shenandoah, Tampa Review, Painted Bride Quarterly, The New Novel Review, The Sun, and other magazines, Len's stories have twice been nominated for inclusion in the Pushcart Prize anthology. He teaches at Writers and Books of Rochester and his prose poems are an occasional feature on PBS affiliate WXXI’s Salmagundi. Two of Len's one-act plays were performed as part of the Geva Regional Playwriting Festival.
Eva Shapiro is an undergraduate at UC Berkeley, studying political science and Spanish literature. She expects to graduate in Spring 2020. "Maybe Less" is her first published story.
John Tustin is currently suffering in exile on the island of Elba but hopes to return to you soon. contains links to his published poetry online.
Robert Wexelblatt is professor of humanities at Boston University’s College of General Studies. He has published seven fiction collections, Life in the Temperate Zone, The Decline of Our Neighborhood, The Artist Wears Rough Clothing, Heiberg’s Twitch, Petites Suites, Intuition of the News and Hsi-wei Tales; two books of essays, Professors at Play and The Posthumous Papers of Sidney Fein; two short novels, Losses and The Derangement of Jules Torquemal; two books of verse, Fifty Poems and Girl Asleep; essays, stories, and poems in a variety of scholarly and literary journals, and the novel Zublinka Among Women, awarded the Indie Book Awards first prize for fiction.
Deborah Brown’s recent book, The Human Half was published by BOA Editions in April, 2019. Her first book, Walking the Dog’s Shadow, was a winner of the A. J. Poulin Jr. Award from BOA Editions and of a New Hampshire Literary Award for Outstanding Book of Poetry. The title poem of the collection was awarded a Pushcart Prize. She edited, with Maxine Kumin and Annie Finch, Lofty Dogmas: Poets on Poetics (Univ. of Arkansas Press). With Richard Jackson and Susan Thomas, she translated the poems in Last Voyage: Selected Poems of Giovanni Pascoli (Red Hen Press). She lives in Warner, NH.
Jennifer Dickinson's fiction has previously been published in The Florida Review, Blackbird, Cosmonauts Avenue, Gravel, and Barren Magazine. She is the recipient of a Hedgebrook residency and a grant from the Barbara Deming Memorial Fund.
J Saler Drees lives in San Diego, California, and has an MFA from Pacific University. Previous works have been published in Bridge Eight, Broken Skyline, Change Seven, Foliate Oak Literary Magazine, Spark: A Creative Anthology, and West Trade Review. Upcoming work can be found in OxMag, spring 2020.
James Goss is a writer, actor and musician, author of Pop Culture Florida and the Vinyl Lives series about record stores and collectors. He lives in South Florida with his family.
James Croal Jackson has a chapbook, The Frayed Edge of Memory (Writing Knights Press, 2017), and poems in Pacifica, indefinite space, and Philosophical Idiot. He edits The Mantle. Currently, he works in the film industry in Pittsburgh, PA.
Len Messineo -- Previously published in Shenandoah, Tampa Review, Painted Bride Quarterly, The New Novel Review, The Sun, and other magazines, Len's stories have twice been nominated for inclusion in the Pushcart Prize anthology. He teaches at Writers and Books of Rochester and his prose poems are an occasional feature on PBS affiliate WXXI’s Salmagundi. Two of Len's one-act plays were performed as part of the Geva Regional Playwriting Festival.
Eva Shapiro is an undergraduate at UC Berkeley, studying political science and Spanish literature. She expects to graduate in Spring 2020. "Maybe Less" is her first published story.
John Tustin is currently suffering in exile on the island of Elba but hopes to return to you soon. contains links to his published poetry online.
Robert Wexelblatt is professor of humanities at Boston University’s College of General Studies. He has published seven fiction collections, Life in the Temperate Zone, The Decline of Our Neighborhood, The Artist Wears Rough Clothing, Heiberg’s Twitch, Petites Suites, Intuition of the News and Hsi-wei Tales; two books of essays, Professors at Play and The Posthumous Papers of Sidney Fein; two short novels, Losses and The Derangement of Jules Torquemal; two books of verse, Fifty Poems and Girl Asleep; essays, stories, and poems in a variety of scholarly and literary journals, and the novel Zublinka Among Women, awarded the Indie Book Awards first prize for fiction.