Matt Perron attended Northeastern University in Boston. Upon graduation, he worked at an orphanage for traumatized children and then for a computer company, testing protocol analyzers. He's a graduate of the Arizona Writer’s Workshop and now resides in Brooklyn, where he teaches in a middle school. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in Cadillac Cicatrix, Compass Rose, Diverse Voices Quarterly, Gemini Magazine, Sanskrit, The Dos Passos Review, RiverSedge, and G.W. Review. He also won the Table 4 Writers contest in 2014 for his story, “Rent Control.”
Michael Royce is a graduate of Portland’s 2011 Attic Atheneum, a one-year alternative to a MFA program. His published fiction and creative non-fiction have appeared in Bartleby Snopes, Euphony, Fringe, PANK, Prick of the Spindle, Prime Number, and other on-line and print journals and anthologies. His series collectively called “Mississippi Freedom Summer in Eight Vignettes” was published in the “Best of the Net 2011” by Sundress Publications.
Joseph Saling's first book of poems A Matter of Mind is available from Foothills Publishing. His poetry and stories have appeared widely in such journals as The Raintown Review, The Formalist, The Amherst Review, Poet Lore, Pivot, Ohio Journal, Birmingham Poetry Review, Carcinogenic Poetry, and The Bacon Review. He lives in Metro Atlanta with his wife Sandy and their dog Yeats. To pass the time between poems, he writes stories, paints with acrylics, works on a novel, and makes a living as a freelance health writer and editor.
David Seguin is a native Michigander with a degree in computer science. He writes short stories and occasional flash fiction pieces. He lives with his wife in Colorado; they have no kids, no pets, and no plants. His short stories have appeared in The Rusty Nail and Cigale Literary Magazine.