questions to the panel from Don Henley henry 7. reneau, jr.
why is it that no one is willing to accept the gravity of the situation,
the non-violent protest coded with colorless violence,
a car alarm, that no one pays attention to but the police,
who taser, tear gas, rubber bullet, pepper spray,
or billy-club into submission?
& celebrities
wearing crosses ‘round their necks & never pausing to think--
the cross never did much for suicidal Jesus—with his preaching
turn the other cheek
& couldn’t miracle his bottom-caste ass off the cross.
what of the rich & hollow,
federal-green color of the mad & the wicked:
the poverty,
the racism,
the runaway militarism:
“the Axis of Evil”
that America’s rulers have not the courage to confront?
what about glob al i za tion,
that entails the world becomes one “country ‘tis of thee . . .”
& prayer that is merely another form of silent panic?
what about
“if dirt were dollars, we wouldn’t have to worry anymore?”