Dragos Bogdan works as a dispatcher for a Romanian gambling company (supervising casinos) and part of the work means spending twelve hours alone in the office which is perfect for writing poems (which he primarily e-mails to himself).
He also published a few online on (
Edward L. Canavan is an American poet whose work has most recently been published in The Opiate, Harbinger Asylum, and Poesis. His first poetry collection entitled "Wreck Collection" was released by Cyberwit Press in March 2019. Edward's poems are currently part of The Poetry of Place exhibit now showing at South Pasadena City Hall Gallery thru April 9th. Edward is a native of the Bronx, NY and currently resides in North Hollywood,
Chris Drabick is a former rock music journalist whose fiction has appeared in Cease, Cows, After the Pause and Great Lakes Review, and non-fiction in BULL and Stoneboat, among others. He is a graduate of the NEOMFA, the northeast Ohio consortium program. His debut novel, The Way We Get By, was published by Unsolicited Press in March 2020. He teaches English and Creative Writing at the University of Akron in Ohio.
Lawrence F. Farrar is a former US Foreign Service officer with multiple assignments in Japan, Europe, and Washington, DC. He also lived in Japan as a graduate student and as a naval officer. In addition to earlier appearances in Blue Lake Review, his stories have appeared 65 or so times in lit magazines, such as The Chaffin Journal, Smoky Blue, Zone 3, Streetlight, Curbside Splendor E-Zine, Evening Street Review, Big Muddy, Tampa Review Online, O-Dark-Thirty, Jelly Bucket, The MacGuffin, and Green Hills Literary Lantern. His stories often involve people coming up against the customs of a foreign culture.
James Hannon is a psychotherapist in Massachusetts where he accompanies adolescents and adults recovering from disappointments, deceptions, and addictions. His poems have appeared in Blue Lake Review, Cold Mountain Review, Soundings East, other journals and in Gathered: Contemporary Quaker Poets (Sundress Press). His collection, The Year I Learned the Backstroke, was published by Aldrich Press.
Nels Hanson grew up on a small farm in the San Joaquin Valley of California and has worked as a farmer, teacher and contract writer/editor. His fiction received the San Francisco Foundation’s James D. Phelan Award and Pushcart nominations in 2010, 2012, 2014 and 2016. His poems received a 2014 Pushcart nomination, Sharkpack Review’s 2014 Prospero Prize, and 2015 and 2016 Best of the Net nominations.
Richard Hanus -- Looking forward to Istanbul in August, but I suppose this is about looking backward: Ph.D., 1981; had four kids but now just three; heart surgery last year; Zen; LOVE.
April Marie is from Washington and enjoys writing in her free time. Along with writing she likes to bake, watch You Tube videos, and look at birds crowding around the birdfeeder in her backyard.
Eva Silverfine left New York City at seventeen and arrived in semi-rural Texas two decades later. A biologist by training, she works as a freelance copy editor for a variety of academic presses. Her writing has appeared in Everyday Fiction, Fiction on the Web, Flash Fiction Magazine, INfectiveINk, and Spank the Carp.
Jessica Spoto is a 23 year old poet from NH. She is a quirky poet who strictly writes from the heart.
Dragos Bogdan works as a dispatcher for a Romanian gambling company (supervising casinos) and part of the work means spending twelve hours alone in the office which is perfect for writing poems (which he primarily e-mails to himself).
He also published a few online on (
Edward L. Canavan is an American poet whose work has most recently been published in The Opiate, Harbinger Asylum, and Poesis. His first poetry collection entitled "Wreck Collection" was released by Cyberwit Press in March 2019. Edward's poems are currently part of The Poetry of Place exhibit now showing at South Pasadena City Hall Gallery thru April 9th. Edward is a native of the Bronx, NY and currently resides in North Hollywood,
Chris Drabick is a former rock music journalist whose fiction has appeared in Cease, Cows, After the Pause and Great Lakes Review, and non-fiction in BULL and Stoneboat, among others. He is a graduate of the NEOMFA, the northeast Ohio consortium program. His debut novel, The Way We Get By, was published by Unsolicited Press in March 2020. He teaches English and Creative Writing at the University of Akron in Ohio.
Lawrence F. Farrar is a former US Foreign Service officer with multiple assignments in Japan, Europe, and Washington, DC. He also lived in Japan as a graduate student and as a naval officer. In addition to earlier appearances in Blue Lake Review, his stories have appeared 65 or so times in lit magazines, such as The Chaffin Journal, Smoky Blue, Zone 3, Streetlight, Curbside Splendor E-Zine, Evening Street Review, Big Muddy, Tampa Review Online, O-Dark-Thirty, Jelly Bucket, The MacGuffin, and Green Hills Literary Lantern. His stories often involve people coming up against the customs of a foreign culture.
James Hannon is a psychotherapist in Massachusetts where he accompanies adolescents and adults recovering from disappointments, deceptions, and addictions. His poems have appeared in Blue Lake Review, Cold Mountain Review, Soundings East, other journals and in Gathered: Contemporary Quaker Poets (Sundress Press). His collection, The Year I Learned the Backstroke, was published by Aldrich Press.
Nels Hanson grew up on a small farm in the San Joaquin Valley of California and has worked as a farmer, teacher and contract writer/editor. His fiction received the San Francisco Foundation’s James D. Phelan Award and Pushcart nominations in 2010, 2012, 2014 and 2016. His poems received a 2014 Pushcart nomination, Sharkpack Review’s 2014 Prospero Prize, and 2015 and 2016 Best of the Net nominations.
Richard Hanus -- Looking forward to Istanbul in August, but I suppose this is about looking backward: Ph.D., 1981; had four kids but now just three; heart surgery last year; Zen; LOVE.
April Marie is from Washington and enjoys writing in her free time. Along with writing she likes to bake, watch You Tube videos, and look at birds crowding around the birdfeeder in her backyard.
Eva Silverfine left New York City at seventeen and arrived in semi-rural Texas two decades later. A biologist by training, she works as a freelance copy editor for a variety of academic presses. Her writing has appeared in Everyday Fiction, Fiction on the Web, Flash Fiction Magazine, INfectiveINk, and Spank the Carp.
Jessica Spoto is a 23 year old poet from NH. She is a quirky poet who strictly writes from the heart.