Vincent Barry’s affection for creative writing is rooted in the theatre. More years ago than he prefers to remember, his one-act plays caught the attention of the late Arthur Ballet at the University of Minnesota’s Office for Advanced Drama Research and Wynn Handman at New York’s The American Place Theatre. Some productions followed, as well as a residency at The Edward Albee Foundation on Long Island. At the same time, Barry was teaching philosophy at Bakersfield College in California and authoring philosophy textbooks. Now retired from teaching, he has returned to fiction. His short story “Dear Fellow Californian” appeared in the Writing Tomorrow Magazine. Another, titled “When It First Came Out,” will appear in a forthcoming issue of The Write Room.
Kevin Casey is a graduate of the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and received his graduate degree at the University of Connecticut. His work has been accepted by The Orange Room Review, Small Print Magazine, Frostwriting, Turtle Island Review, The Monarch Review, and others. He currently teaches literature at a small university in Maine, where he enjoys fishing, snowshoeing and hiking.
Mikel K is a poet and memoirist living in Atlanta, Ga. K was voted best Atlanta Poet, the last three years in a row, by readers of Creative Loafing, Atlanta's weekly newspaper. He has a BS in English with a minor in Journalism from Georgia State University.Poetry by Mikel K has appeared in: Subtle Tea, drown in my own fears, poetic diversity, Zygote In My Coffee, Blue Lake Review, Swimming With Elephants, Visceral Uterus, The Piker Press, Vox Poetica, Napalm and Novocaine, Ceremony, The Georgia Review, The Reeve Report, Lowlife Magazine, The Political Dogma, World Wide, Open Salon, and Beagle Bugle. He was a music columnist for a number of years, covering the Atlanta music scene and worked as a freelancer for The Atlanta Journal Constitution. You can buy a book by K at
Mollie McNeil's work has appeared in Crack the Spine and Penmen Review. She is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Wisconsin-Madison with coursework in English and American literature with an emphasis in women’s writing. In addition to literary analysis, she's studied creative writing with Ron Loewinsohn, Elizabeth Rosner, Elizabeth Stark, and Ron Kuka. She has taught English at the junior high, high school, and collegiate levels, and currently tutors teens in Berkeley public schools. She is also a fine artist, working in painting, printmaking, and mixed media, which she displays on her website. When she's not scribbling in her studio, you can find her studying psychology, women’s history, and art history.
Todd Easton Mills received his bachelor’s degree from Antioch University. As a young man he defined himself as a traveler, working his way around the world and supporting himself as a laborer, cook, and teacher in faraway places like the Highlands of New Guinea. Now, with his drifter days behind him, he lives comfortably with his Zimbabwean wife in Ojai, California. He co-wrote and produced the documentary film Timothy Learyʼs Dead. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in Rougarou, The Alembic, Griffin, The Legendary, ONTHEBUS, Voices, The Coe Review, Yellow Silk, AUSB Odyssey, Sage Trail, RiverSedge, Paranoia VHS, Collage, Antiochracy, Forge, Jet Fuel Review, New Plains Review, Crack the Spine, and in the anthology Poets on 9-11.
Bill Pieper is a voyeur and exhibitionist, ideal skills for making fiction. Loosed upon the world, he shamelessly eavesdrops, soaks up words, gestures, physical features and behavioral tropes, then re-scrambles them to engage as many eyeballs as possible. He is also a member of the Squaw Valley Community of Writers and has studied both creative writing and philosophy at Sacramento State University. Stories by Bill have appeared in the Blue Lake Review, Red Fez, Primal Urge, Farallon Review and elsewhere. Links to his novel What You Wish For and other published work can be found at:
Kerenza Ryan is a college student who has also been published in Blood Moon Rising, and really likes writing.
April Salzano -- Recently nominated for two Pushcart prizes, April Salzano teaches college writing in Pennsylvania where she lives with her husband and two sons. She is currently working on a memoir on raising a child with autism and several collections of poetry. Her work has appeared in journals such as Convergence, Ascent Aspirations, The Camel Saloon, Centrifugal Eye, Deadsnakes, Visceral Uterus, Salome, Poetry Quarterly, Writing Tomorrow and Rattle. The author also serves as co-editor at Kind of a Hurricane Press (
Barry Yeoman was educated at Bowling Green State Univ., The Univ. of Cincinnati, and The McGregor School of Antioch Univ., in creative writing, world classics, and the humanities. He is originally from Springfield, Ohio and currently lives in London, Ohio. His work has appeared, or is forthcoming in Red Booth Review, Futures Trading, Danse Macabre, Harbinger Asylum, Red Fez, Vine Leaves, Crack the Spine, Burningword Literary Journal, Two Hawks Quarterly, Wilderness House Literary Review and others.