Pete Able’s work has been published in Literally Stories, Philadelphia Stories, Wilderness House Literary Review, Lost Coast Review, Prime Number Magazine, and others. He lives in southern New Jersey.
John Conaway lives in Charlotte, NC where he runs a small Internet business and write stories. A previous contributor to Blue Lake Review, John's stories have also appeared in other online journals including Fiction on the Web and Literally Stories.
Tim Hawkins has lived and traveled widely throughout North America, Southeast Asia, Europe and Latin America. His writing is widely published and has been nominated for Best of the Net, the Pushcart Prize and Best Microfiction. He has published a poetry collection, Wanderings at Deadline (Aldrich Press, 2012) and a poetry chapbook, Jeremiad Johnson (In Case of Emergency Press, 2019). A story and poetry chapbook, Synchronized Swimmers, will be published in September by KYSO Flash Press. Find out more at his website: www.timhawkinspoetry.com
Al Maginnes' seventh and most recent book, The Next Place, was published in spring of 2017 by Iris Press. Recent poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Plume, Lake Effect, decomP, Vox Populi, and many other places. He lives in Raleigh NC and teach at Wake Technical Community College.
John Martino -- An avid traveler currently residing in Hong Kong (though soon to sojourn in San Francisco) with Xiuli, the best partner this side of Andromeda, John's poems have appeared in What Rough Beast, The Bitchin' Kitsch, Connotation Press, HEArt Online, and the anthology Envy, Vol. 6 from a 7-volume series on the 7 deadly sins by Pure Slush Books.
JBMulligan has had more than 1000 poems and stories in various magazines over the past 40 years, and has had two chapbooks published: The Stations of the Cross and THIS WAY TO THE EGRESS, as well as 2 e-books, The City of Now and Then, and A Book of Psalms (a loose translation). He has appeared in several anthologies, among them: Inside/Out: A Gathering Of Poets; The Irreal Reader; and multiple volumes of Reflections on a Blue Planet.
Rick Rohdenburg did not begin publishing until past sixty. His work has appeared in Laurel Review, Raleigh Review, Lost River Review, and others. Now retired, he lives in Atlanta, Georgia.
Nadia Staikos lives in Toronto with her two children. She is currently writing her first novel.
Wes Tern writes books and teaches classes. His words have been published in Flash Fiction Magazine, Bohemyth, New Linear Perspectives, Red Fez, F*ck Fiction, Mad Swirl, the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, USA Today, the Chicken Soup for the Soul book series, and elsewhere. He lives in Florida.
Frederick Wilbur’s fourth book is a poetry collection, As Pus Floats the Splinter Out. His work has appeared in many print and on-line literary reviews including Shenandoah, The Atlanta Review, the Comstock Review, The Dalhousie Review, Rise Up Review and Mojave River Review. He was awarded the Stephen Meats Award by Midwest Quarterly (2017).
Lisa Youngblood's work has been accepted for publication in REAL: Regarding Arts and Letters, The Portland Review, Confluence, The Opiate, The Rambler, Talking River, and Porcupine Magazine. She has attended the Sewanee Writer’s Conference, the Atlanta Writer’s Conference, the Narrative Writer’s Workshop, and the Flatiron Writer’s Conference and has studied with such writers as Steve Yarbrough and Tom Jenks. After practicing law for nearly a decade, Lisa turned her focus to the written word. When she is not writing, Lisa works with children who have learning challenges.