Marie-Andrée Auclair is a Canadian poet whose poems have found homes in many print and online publications in Canada, the USA and in other countries. She enjoys writing (of course), photography, traveling (one of her last trips was hiking in Japan) and adding to her cooking repertoire after each trip.
Bob Bradshaw is recently retired, and looking for the perfect hammock to spend retirement in. He is a big fan of the Rolling Stones, and though Mick may not be gathering moss, Bob is. His poetry can be found at many publications on the net, including Apple Valley Review, Autumn Sky Poetry DAILY, Dodging the Rain and Eclectica.
Norman Danzig retired eight years ago as a Union organizer. While he would love to spend more time with his fabulous grandchildren, they are old enough now to have their own lives. He enjoys any opportunities to see them. "An Angel of Death" is Norman's fifth published story. He is seeking representation for this finished novel, "The Brownstein Vanish."
Lou Gaglia is the author of Poor Advice and Other Stories. His stories have recently appeared in Eclectica Magazine and The Writing Disorder.
David Ghitelman is a graduate of Antioch College and the University of Iowa. His poems have appeared in Agni, The Antioch Review, the Black Warrior Review, the Iowa Review, and New Letters. He has written essays and book reviews for the New York Times, Newsday, and Arrowsmith Magazine. Every Day Fiction has published his fiction.
Mary Janicke lives, writes, and gardens in Houston, Texas. Her short story "Summer Memories" was published in Still Life: An Anthology of Poetry, Prose, and Art.
Mike Lee is a writer and editor at a trade union in New York City and the chief blogger for Focus on the Story. His work appears in or is forthcoming in Blue Lake Review, BULL, The Quarantine Review, Drunk Monkeys, and many others. A story collection, The Northern Line, is available on Amazon and other online bookselling outlets. He also was nominated for Best Microfiction by Ghost Parachute.
Claire Scott is an award-winning poet who has received multiple Pushcart Prize nominations. Her work has appeared in the Atlanta Review, Bellevue Literary Review, New Ohio Review, Enizagam and Healing Muse, among others. Claire is the author of Waiting to be Called and Until I Couldn’t. She is the co-author of Unfolding in Light: A Sisters’ Journey in Photography and Poetry.
Connie Woodring is a 77-year-old retired therapist who has been getting back to her true love of writing after 45 years in her real job. She has had many poems published in over 40 journals including one nominated for the Pushcart Prize.