Tony Carey is a semi-retired lawyer.
Zachary Jacob lives in Ojai, CA where he is a student intern at the Krishnamurti Foundation of America. He has been writing poetry for several years and it wasn’t until meeting a published poet that he was inspired to start climbing the hierarchical ladder of the poetry world. He is also an aspiring banjo player.
Marchell Dyon Jefferson is from Chicago Il., she has taken various poetry workshops; she is currently working on her first chapbook. Her work has appeared in Ouroboros Review, West Ward Quarterly, Lily Review, Corner Club Press, Toasted Cheese Journal, and Torrid Literature Vol. III.
William Leet recently returned to the U.S. after almost thirty years in Japan and is now living in Florida. The experiences, travel and journal notes of the years living as an expatriate in Tokyo have become fodder for a book he is currently writing. He has written and translated for the UCLA Journal of Asian Studies, with other work appearing in American Athenaeum, The Rusty Nail, Literary Orphans and Shadows Express.
Alex Markovich was a magazine editor, most recently at Consumer Reports, before he retired. His stories have appeared in Still Crazy, The Storyteller, and 50-Word Stories.
Liana Meffert is currently a sophomore at Cal Poly State University where she is a psychology major with a concentration in pre-med. In her spare time, she runs through the Cal Poly hills and trains for upcoming triathlons. For good karma, she practices yoga (currently in training for a teaching certificate) and volunteers at the local homeless shelter in Atascadero. She writes mostly for her own good, but doesn’t mind sharing.
Barry W. North is a previous contributor to Blue Lake Review. He is a sixty-eight-year-old retired refrigeration mechanic. Since his retirement in 2007, he has been nominated twice for a Pushcart Prize, won the 2010 A. E. Coppard Prize for Fiction, and, more recently, won Honorable Mention in the 2011 Allen Ginsberg Poetry Awards. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in The Paterson Literary Review, Slipstream, The Dos Passos Review, Hawaii Pacific Review, Green Hills Literary Lantern, Amoskeag, and others. He has published two chapbooks. Along the Highway, a fiction chapbook, was published by White Eagle Coffee Store Press in 2010, and his first chapbook of poems, Terminally Human, was just published by Finishing Line Press. For more information visit his website
Steve Prusky has been a resident of Las Vegas for the past twenty-seven years. He is a native Detroiter. In addition to his work's prior appearance in Blue Lake Review, his fiction, photography and poetic work has been featured in Eunoia Review, Foundling Review, Orion headless, Assisi Online Journal, The Legendary, Whistling fire and others nationwide.
Jennifer Sicking received her MA in English, Specialization in Writing from Indiana State University and works at the University as editor of the Indiana State University Magazine and as associate director of media relations. Some of her work will be published in upcoming issues of Blood and Thunder, The South Carolina Review and The Red River Review.
Brendan Sullivan is a lifelong beach bum who has turned from acting to poetry, as he finds it a more remarkable muse. He also enjoys surfing, sailing and diving. His work has been published at Wordsmiths, The Missing Slate, Every Writer's Resource, Gutter Eloquence, A Sharp Piece of Awesome, After Tournier, Bareback Magazine and Bare Hands.
Yasmin Tong's work has appeared in the Los Angeles Times, Mary: A Journal of New Writing, Superstition Review, and was anthologized in the New Asian Immigration. She attended Squaw Valley Writer's Community in 2009, and has had the pleasure of studying with Jim Karuso and Barbara Abercrombie.
Sean Warren served in the Navy on board two ships and a helicopter squadron. The sea was his mistress during this time, and continues to haunt him with strange conjurings such as the story you are about to read. His short fiction has appeared in McSweeney’s, Washington Square, and The Writer’s Block. He will graduate in June from the MFA Creative Writing program at Portland State University.
Zachary Jacob lives in Ojai, CA where he is a student intern at the Krishnamurti Foundation of America. He has been writing poetry for several years and it wasn’t until meeting a published poet that he was inspired to start climbing the hierarchical ladder of the poetry world. He is also an aspiring banjo player.
Marchell Dyon Jefferson is from Chicago Il., she has taken various poetry workshops; she is currently working on her first chapbook. Her work has appeared in Ouroboros Review, West Ward Quarterly, Lily Review, Corner Club Press, Toasted Cheese Journal, and Torrid Literature Vol. III.
William Leet recently returned to the U.S. after almost thirty years in Japan and is now living in Florida. The experiences, travel and journal notes of the years living as an expatriate in Tokyo have become fodder for a book he is currently writing. He has written and translated for the UCLA Journal of Asian Studies, with other work appearing in American Athenaeum, The Rusty Nail, Literary Orphans and Shadows Express.
Alex Markovich was a magazine editor, most recently at Consumer Reports, before he retired. His stories have appeared in Still Crazy, The Storyteller, and 50-Word Stories.
Liana Meffert is currently a sophomore at Cal Poly State University where she is a psychology major with a concentration in pre-med. In her spare time, she runs through the Cal Poly hills and trains for upcoming triathlons. For good karma, she practices yoga (currently in training for a teaching certificate) and volunteers at the local homeless shelter in Atascadero. She writes mostly for her own good, but doesn’t mind sharing.
Barry W. North is a previous contributor to Blue Lake Review. He is a sixty-eight-year-old retired refrigeration mechanic. Since his retirement in 2007, he has been nominated twice for a Pushcart Prize, won the 2010 A. E. Coppard Prize for Fiction, and, more recently, won Honorable Mention in the 2011 Allen Ginsberg Poetry Awards. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in The Paterson Literary Review, Slipstream, The Dos Passos Review, Hawaii Pacific Review, Green Hills Literary Lantern, Amoskeag, and others. He has published two chapbooks. Along the Highway, a fiction chapbook, was published by White Eagle Coffee Store Press in 2010, and his first chapbook of poems, Terminally Human, was just published by Finishing Line Press. For more information visit his website
Steve Prusky has been a resident of Las Vegas for the past twenty-seven years. He is a native Detroiter. In addition to his work's prior appearance in Blue Lake Review, his fiction, photography and poetic work has been featured in Eunoia Review, Foundling Review, Orion headless, Assisi Online Journal, The Legendary, Whistling fire and others nationwide.
Jennifer Sicking received her MA in English, Specialization in Writing from Indiana State University and works at the University as editor of the Indiana State University Magazine and as associate director of media relations. Some of her work will be published in upcoming issues of Blood and Thunder, The South Carolina Review and The Red River Review.
Brendan Sullivan is a lifelong beach bum who has turned from acting to poetry, as he finds it a more remarkable muse. He also enjoys surfing, sailing and diving. His work has been published at Wordsmiths, The Missing Slate, Every Writer's Resource, Gutter Eloquence, A Sharp Piece of Awesome, After Tournier, Bareback Magazine and Bare Hands.
Yasmin Tong's work has appeared in the Los Angeles Times, Mary: A Journal of New Writing, Superstition Review, and was anthologized in the New Asian Immigration. She attended Squaw Valley Writer's Community in 2009, and has had the pleasure of studying with Jim Karuso and Barbara Abercrombie.
Sean Warren served in the Navy on board two ships and a helicopter squadron. The sea was his mistress during this time, and continues to haunt him with strange conjurings such as the story you are about to read. His short fiction has appeared in McSweeney’s, Washington Square, and The Writer’s Block. He will graduate in June from the MFA Creative Writing program at Portland State University.