Marianne Brems is the author of three poetry chapbooks from Finishing Line Press Sliver of Change (2020), Unsung Offerings (2021), and In Its Own Time (forthcoming in 2023). Her poems have also appeared in literary journals including Nightingale & Sparrow, The Sunlight Press, The Lake, and Green Ink Poetry. She lives and cycles in Northern California. Website:
George Briggs is a poet and high school teacher from Providence, Rhode Island. His poetry has appeared in The Shoutflower, The Coachella Review, South Florida Poetry Journal, and elsewhere.
Alison Gadsby is a writer living in Toronto. She holds an MFA in Creative Writing from UBC and an HBA from York University in Creative Writing and English. Her work appears in various literary magazines. She is the founder/curator/host of Junction Reads, a prose reading series in Toronto. She can be found on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram @junctionreads
Tom Gartner’s fiction and poetry have appeared in numerous journals, including The Madison Review, California Quarterly, New Limestone Review, Twelve Winters, and most recently Valparaiso Review. One story was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. He lives just north of the Golden Gate and works as a buyer for an independent bookstore in San Francisco.
Bruce Gunther is a former journalist and freelance writer who lives in Michigan. He's a graduate of Central Michigan University. His poems have been published in The Comstock Review, Arc Poetry, Modern Haiku, The Dunes Review, and others.
Shontay Luna has been a pizza parlor phone Clerk, a Peruvian jewelry stand owner, an event server and Concessionaire, among other things. She resides in her hometown of the place that is ‘everyone’s kind of town’ and home of Deep-Dish Pizza. She’s the author of three books, the most recent being ‘To James & Sarah with Love – Poetry based on Slang of 1920s through 1940s’, with work also appearing in The Literary Nest, Silver Birch Press’ “Wearing the Mask” Series and Full House Literary Magazine, among others. And has work forthcoming in Tallgrass Writers Guild ‘Play’ anthology, Sweety Cat Press’ “Beautiful: In the eye of the beholder,” Bullshit Lit and Onley Magazine.
David Metz is a writer and a member of the Writer’s Center in Bethesda, Maryland. His stories have appeared in several publications, including The MacGuffin, New Plains Review, Bull, Valparaiso Fiction Review and Perceptions. Originally from Illinois, he lives with his wife in Damascus, Maryland.
Yvette A. Schnoeker-Shorb is the author of the chapbook, Shapes That Stay (Kelsay Books, 2021). Her poetry has appeared in The Midwest Quarterly, Weber: The Contemporary West, Earth’s Daughters, About Place Journal, High Desert Journal, Clockhouse, AJN: The American Journal of Nursing,, Medical Literary Messenger, and many other journals, with work forthcoming in Slipstream and elsewhere. She holds an interdisciplinary MA and has served in various capacities as an educator, a researcher, and an editor. She is co-founder of the 501 (c) 3 nonprofit Native West Press.
Shanna Swezey grew up in the Appalachian foothills of Watertown, Ohio. She now resides in Eugene, Oregon on a small homestead. She works in behavioral health as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. “Memorial Day” is her first published short story.
Ian Woollen's recent short fiction has appeared in North Dakota Quarterly, Failbetter, and The Westchester Review. He is currently broadcasting from Bloomington, Indiana.