They Only Want You To Show Up So They
Can Badmouth You When You Leave
Joe Sonnenblick
I believe so matter of factly in revenge that the soothsayers and Dionysian clerics of the world are about as useful to me as a fart in the wind.
I’m akin to a policeman in that I want answers,
Do not question the method or the final product,
Nod at it and let me go to my sarcophagus in peace…
I hold contempt in my heart,
I want so badly for competition to exude through this meat suit during this creative wellspring,
There are no flower children sticking chrysanthemums in rifles in my sensibility
We are druids carrying the last person I talked to and dumping them over the cliffs of Gerizim,
I’m the whole promised land of the Jews incarnate
I do not spare the rod,
I will not look away.
That’s what poetry should be,
The vastness of how long this life is and it should be held firm by our greatest deities
Whether or not they breathe in this realm or the previous, or the next.
Then someone will mention Robert Frost.
Can Badmouth You When You Leave
Joe Sonnenblick
I believe so matter of factly in revenge that the soothsayers and Dionysian clerics of the world are about as useful to me as a fart in the wind.
I’m akin to a policeman in that I want answers,
Do not question the method or the final product,
Nod at it and let me go to my sarcophagus in peace…
I hold contempt in my heart,
I want so badly for competition to exude through this meat suit during this creative wellspring,
There are no flower children sticking chrysanthemums in rifles in my sensibility
We are druids carrying the last person I talked to and dumping them over the cliffs of Gerizim,
I’m the whole promised land of the Jews incarnate
I do not spare the rod,
I will not look away.
That’s what poetry should be,
The vastness of how long this life is and it should be held firm by our greatest deities
Whether or not they breathe in this realm or the previous, or the next.
Then someone will mention Robert Frost.