David A. Ross is a writer, editor and publisher. From 1984-1985 he was a columnist and contributing editor for Southwest Art Magazine. His novels include Sacrifice and the Sweet Life, A Winter Garden, Stones, Xenos, How High The Wall, Good Morning Corfu, and his award-winning first novel The Trouble with Paradise (republished by Open Books under the title Calico Pennants). In addition to his career as a novelist, he was the editor and publisher of the small press Escape Media from 1992-2004. Currently he is the editor and publisher of Open Books and online literary and features journals including Moronic Ox Literary & Cultural Journal. Born in Chicago, Illinois, he presently lives on the Island of Corfu, Greece.
Lou Suarez is the author of two book-length collections of poetry, Traveler (2010) and Ask (2004), both published by Mid-List Press (Minneapolis), and three poetry chapbooks: Losses of Moment (Kent State University Press), The Grape Painter (Frost Heaves Press), and On U.S. 6 to Providence (Red Mountain Review) He is professor emeritus at Lorain County Community College.
G. David Schwartz is the former president of Seedhouse, the online interfaith committee. Schwartz is the author of A Jewish Appraisal of Dialogue. Currently a volunteer at Drake Hospital in Cincinnati, Schwartz continues to write. His new book, Midrash and Working Out Of The Book is now in stores or can be ordered. Check out his book on Midrash:www.amazon.com/gp/product/1418489565/104-8454011-6722310?n=28315
F. John Sharp lives and works in the Cleveland, Ohio area. His poetry and fiction have been widely published in both print and electronic form, and he is the fiction editor for Right Hand Pointing. He can be found at fjohnsharp.com.
Paul A. Toth is the author of three novels, his latest being Finale. His next, Airplane Novel, will be released in July 2011. He also publishes poetry, nonfiction and multimedia pieces. Links to all of his work can be accessed via www.tothworld.com.
Patrick Trotti is a 24-year old native New Yorker currently studying Creative Wriing. His work has been featured in New Wave Vomit, Six Sentences and Eskimo Pie, among others. He is the Founder and Editor of the online literary journal (Short) Fiction Collective as well as an Editor for Voices From The Garage and jmww.
James Valvis lives in Issaquah, Washington. Publishing for over two decades, his work has recently appeared in 5 AM, Confrontation, Eclectica, Nimrod, Poetry Motel, Rattle, Southern Indiana Review, and is forthcoming in Arts & Letters, Atlanta Review, Crab Creek Review, Gargoyle, Hanging Loose, Hawaii Pacific Review, Los Angeles Review, Midwest Quarterly, New York Quarterly, Pank, South Carolina Review, and elsewhere. A collection of his poems is due from Aortic Books.
Viola Weinberg. In 2000, Viola Weinberg was appointed the first Poet Laureate of Sacramento, CA. Winner of numerous awards, she has published five books of poetry and was the 2008 Glenna Luschei Distinguished Poet. She resides in rural Sonoma County, California, and writes in a yurt.
Lou Suarez is the author of two book-length collections of poetry, Traveler (2010) and Ask (2004), both published by Mid-List Press (Minneapolis), and three poetry chapbooks: Losses of Moment (Kent State University Press), The Grape Painter (Frost Heaves Press), and On U.S. 6 to Providence (Red Mountain Review) He is professor emeritus at Lorain County Community College.
G. David Schwartz is the former president of Seedhouse, the online interfaith committee. Schwartz is the author of A Jewish Appraisal of Dialogue. Currently a volunteer at Drake Hospital in Cincinnati, Schwartz continues to write. His new book, Midrash and Working Out Of The Book is now in stores or can be ordered. Check out his book on Midrash:www.amazon.com/gp/product/1418489565/104-8454011-6722310?n=28315
F. John Sharp lives and works in the Cleveland, Ohio area. His poetry and fiction have been widely published in both print and electronic form, and he is the fiction editor for Right Hand Pointing. He can be found at fjohnsharp.com.
Paul A. Toth is the author of three novels, his latest being Finale. His next, Airplane Novel, will be released in July 2011. He also publishes poetry, nonfiction and multimedia pieces. Links to all of his work can be accessed via www.tothworld.com.
Patrick Trotti is a 24-year old native New Yorker currently studying Creative Wriing. His work has been featured in New Wave Vomit, Six Sentences and Eskimo Pie, among others. He is the Founder and Editor of the online literary journal (Short) Fiction Collective as well as an Editor for Voices From The Garage and jmww.
James Valvis lives in Issaquah, Washington. Publishing for over two decades, his work has recently appeared in 5 AM, Confrontation, Eclectica, Nimrod, Poetry Motel, Rattle, Southern Indiana Review, and is forthcoming in Arts & Letters, Atlanta Review, Crab Creek Review, Gargoyle, Hanging Loose, Hawaii Pacific Review, Los Angeles Review, Midwest Quarterly, New York Quarterly, Pank, South Carolina Review, and elsewhere. A collection of his poems is due from Aortic Books.
Viola Weinberg. In 2000, Viola Weinberg was appointed the first Poet Laureate of Sacramento, CA. Winner of numerous awards, she has published five books of poetry and was the 2008 Glenna Luschei Distinguished Poet. She resides in rural Sonoma County, California, and writes in a yurt.