Shades of spring/summer, then back to winter. That's what we've had here this past month. Would anyone like to play a game of climate change roulette?
But, no matter what the weather is your way, we've got some more sensational fiction and poetry for you this month from Nancy McKinley, Tom Sheehan, Travis Hubbs, Steven Wineman, Dennis Donoghue, B. Lynn Carter, Naomi Lowinksy, Glenn Moss, Richard Jay Shelton, Charles Byrne, and Michael Goscinski.
And congratulations to contributor, Tom Sheehan, on the publication of his new e-book, Murder at the Forum, an NHL mystery from Danse Macabre/Lazarus/Anvil Fiction.
--Mitchell & Diana
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Check out our editors' book:
The stories in Mitchell Waldman’s PETTY OFFENSES AND CRIMES OF THE HEART startle a reader with sudden, uncompromising insight
-- Perry Glasser, author of DANGEROUS PLACES
Now available in Kindle and Nook e-book formats.
In A WOMAN'S SONG, author Diana May-Waldman's poetry portrays many challenges of being a woman—a surprising amount for such a slim volume—sad, loving, remembering, and suffering. Her evocative voice speaks clearly to many women as she shares her full life.
-- StoryCircle Book Reviews
Now available in Kindle and Nook e-book formats.
CHECK OUT WOUNDS OF WAR: POETS FOR PEACE, bringing together, in poems, stories and essays, the voices of those personally affected by war.
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