Alan Bray lives in New Hampshire with his family. His most recent story was published in Eclectica. His story "The Puppet's Tattered Clothes" was published by Bartleby Snopes as part of their Flash Novels series. His website is wherein he writes a weekly blog on literature.
Jared Cappel's work has appeared or is forthcoming in various publications including After Dinner Conversations, Idle Ink, Literally Stories, and Reflex Press. When he's not writing, he enjoys creating digital art known for its abstract imagery and vibrant use of colour ( A lover of wordplay, he's ranked as one of the top 50 Scrabble players in North America.
Nick Conrad's first book, Lake Erie Blues, appeared in late August, 2020 from Urban Farmhouse Press as part of their Crossroads Poetry Series. Other recent publications include Borderlands, The Chariton Review, Colere, Dos Passos Review, Freshwater, Hawai’i Pacific Review, J Journal, the Kerf, South Carolina Review, Sow’s Ear Poetry Review, and Stand (UK).
Milton P. Ehrlich Ph.D. is an 87- year-old psychologist and a veteran of the Korean War. He has published many poems in periodicals such as the London Grip, Arc Poetry Magazine, Descant Literary Magazine, Wisconsin Review, Red Wheelbarrow, Christian Science Monitor, and the New York Times.
Jennifer Lai enjoys writing flash and micro fiction pieces. Her pieces have appeared in Chronicle Stories, Robot Butt, Free Flash Fiction, and others. She lives in Washington State with her pet rocks and dying pepper plants.
Charlene Langfur is an organic gardener, a rescued dog advocate, a Syracuse University Graduate Writing Fellow in poetry and her most recent publications include poems in Emerys, Inlandia, North Dakota Quarterly and a series of poems in Weber-The Contemporary West.
Rick Rohdenburg attended the Writers' Workshop at Brown University, then spent thirty-five years working as a systems analyst. He did not begin publishing until past sixty. His work has appeared in the Chestnut Review, Laurel Review, Raleigh Review, and others. Now retired, he lives in Atlanta, Georgia.
Dorsía Smith Silva is a Pushcart Prize nominee and Professor of English at the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras. Her poetry has been published or is forthcoming in Superstition Review, Porter House Review, Portland Review, Pidgeonholes, SAND, and elsewhere. She is also the author of Good Girl (micro-chapbook), editor of Latina/Chicana Mothering, and the co-editor of six books.
Josh Simpson is a free-lance short story writer based in Liverpool, UK. With a Master’s degree in Mathematics he turns his analytical skills to short form prose on a variety of topics relatable to most of us. He has a large and eclectic music library and plays tennis even when it’s snowing.
Jane Snyder's stories have appeared in Atlas & Alice, Zodiac, and Summerset Review. She lives in Spokane.