Jackson Arthur is 38 years old and live in Newton Falls Ohio with his wife and child. He has had several pieces of short fiction published in e-zines, like Bewildering Stories, and other pieces of short fiction narrated online, by narrators like CreepsMcPasta on
Jayanta Bhaumik is from Kolkata, India, a Research Member of American Federation of Astrologers Inc. He visits Singapore and other south-east countries regularly for his professional assignments. His past or upcoming works can be found in Poetry Superhighway, Zombie Logic Review, Mad Swirl, Poppy Road Review, Vita Brevis Journal, Pif Magazine, Goat's Milk Magazine, Everything in Aspic, Scarlet Leaf Review, Juked Magazine, Crepe & Penn, Fourth and Sycamore, and elsewhere.
Neil Citrin is a co-founder of The Greater Los Angeles Writer’s Society (, one of the largest writers groups in California. My web site is
Barbara Daniels’ Talk to the Lioness is forthcoming from Casa de Cinco Hermanas Press. Daniels’ poetry has appeared in Prairie Schooner, Mid-American Review, and elsewhere. In 2020 she received her fourth fellowship from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts.
Charles Hayes, a multiple Pushcart Prize Nominee, is an American who lives part time in the Philippines and part time in Seattle with his wife. A product of the Appalachian Mountains, his writing has appeared in Ky Story’s Anthology Collection, Wilderness House Literary Review, The Fable Online, Unbroken Journal, CC&D Magazine, Random Sample Review, The Zodiac Review, eFiction Magazine, Saturday Night Reader, Cha: An Asian Literary Journal, Scarlet Leaf Publishing House, Burning Word Journal, eFiction India, Blue Lake Review, and others.
J.P. Karr immigrated to Canada from the Ukraine at the age of seven. Her work focuses on the immigrant experience, identity, and parent-child relationships. She enjoys cooking, rollerblading, and most importantly spending quality time talking to her cats.
Edward Lee's poetry, short stories, non-fiction and photography have been published in magazines in Ireland, England and America, including The Stinging Fly, Skylight 47, Acumen, The Blue Nib, Blue Lake Review and Smiths Knoll. His debut poetry collection "Playing Poohsticks On Ha'Penny Bridge" was published in 2010. He is currently working towards a second collection. He also makes musical noise under the names Ayahuasca Collective, Lewis Milne, Orson Carroll, Blinded Architect, Lego Figures Fighting, and Pale Blond Boy. His blog/website can be found at
Brad Shurmantine lives in Napa, Ca. He spends time writing, reading, tending three gardens (sand, water, vegetable), keeping bees, taking care of chickens and cats, and working on that husband thing. He backpacks in the Sierras and travels when he can, and has a serious passion for George Eliot.
James Tyler received a BA in English from Austin Peay State University. He has been published in Mobius, Mad Swirl, Red Fez, Page & Spine, and Poetry Quarterly among others. He resides in Nashville, TN.
Dominick Vogus is a writer and social worker who brings his experience in the field to life in his writing. The goal of all his writing is to make the reader think, feel, and ruminate on the complexities of the human condition.